
Revenue from Facebook advertising for the period of work - $ 127,875


Advertising period: 05.06.2021 - 20.01.2022


Total advertising costs ~ $20,103


The average ROAS for all advertising companies was 636%.


How to scale an online sports equipment store to $128k in revenue using Facebook ADS with ROAS of 636%?

Як змасштабувати інтернет-магазин спортивного спорядження до $128 тис. доходу за допомогою Facebook ADS з ROAS 636%?
Revenue from Facebook advertising for the period of work - $ 127,875
How to scale an online sports equipment store to $128k in revenue using Facebook ADS with ROAS of 636%?



Tourist equipment

Geo advertising

UK, Norway

Average check


About the сompany:

The company is engaged in the production of tourist equipment for outdoor activities. The product range consists mainly of sports shoes, clothing, and accessories. The products are intended for professional mountain travelers, lovers of walking in snowy areas, and wild trail runners. The brand uses the most advanced production technologies to ensure the comfort and durability of clothing and offers stylish designs, and a wide range of colors and sizes for men and women.

The company is engaged in the production of tourist equipment for outdoor activities. The product range consists mainly of sports shoes, clothing, and accessories. The products are intended for professional mountain travelers, lovers of walking in snowy areas, and wild trail runners. The brand uses the most advanced production technologies to ensure the comfort and durability of clothing and offers stylish designs, and a wide range of colors and sizes for men and women.
The company is engaged in the production of tourist equipment for outdoor activities. The product range consists mainly of sports shoes, clothing, and accessories. The products are intended for professional mountain travelers, lovers of walking in snowy areas, and wild trail runners. The brand uses the most advanced production technologies to ensure the comfort and durability of clothing and offers stylish designs, and a wide range of colors and sizes for men and women.

To Increase sales with ROAS over 300%.


To Increase brand awareness in the UK, Norway market


To Analyse the work of previous contractors and prepare the store for the fall and winter season: Halloween, Black Friday and Christmas sales.


Client's goals:


We improved the website loading speed;


Added the ability to enter a promotional code in the shopping cart;


Added cross-sell products to the product description;


Added a panel at the bottom of the site for easy navigation in the mobile version.

What was done?

1. Improvement of the website

I started my work by auditing the website and fixing technical problems in its operation. First of all, I had to optimize the site and add features that would help increase sales.

Here are the details of the improvements:


I studied the portrait of our target audience and analyzed competitors.


Together with the head of the marketing department, we created offers and a special discount system.


Developed a completely new structure of advertising campaigns.


Developed technical specifications for the designer and copywriter.

What was done?

Created a advertising strategy

After completing the website, I started working on a promotion strategy:


Audiences by interests;


Look-alike audiences by purchase value;


Look-alike customers who have bought before;


Look-alike audiences who wrote to our Instagram page.

What was done?

3. Work on advertising campaigns

The developed advertising strategy provided for the presence of various advertising options.

Acquisition ad campaigns

One of the client's preferences was high-quality content. The photos that were added to the website gave a high click-through rate and the opportunity to recruit a large number of cold audiences for further remarketing.

That is why at the beginning of our cooperation, I focused on working with the catalog. Later, I started adding static creatives and videos that highlighted the key benefits of the product, which in turn showed quite good results.

Для структурної роботи над проектом,
я практикую ведення спеціальної таблички. Ця табличка дає замовнику глибше розуміння всіх аспектів моєї роботи в проекті. Вона містить
в собі: стратегію просування, технічні налаштування, рекламні тексти та креативи. Тепер клієнт бачить все, що відбувається
в налаштуваннях його рекламного кабінету, тільки в спрощеному вигляді.
Для структурної роботи над проектом, я практикую ведення спеціальної таблички. Ця табличка дає замовнику глибше розуміння всіх аспектів моєї роботи в проекті. Вона містить в собі: стратегію просування, технічні налаштування, рекламні тексти та креативи. Тепер клієнт бачить все, що відбувається
в налаштуваннях його рекламного кабінету, тільки в спрощеному вигляді.

While working on the project, I tested a lot of audiences, trying different segments, such as:


Website visitors within 7/14/45/180 days;


People who interacted with the Instagram and Facebook page within 30/90 days;


Website visitors who added to the cart/initiated the checkout within 7/14/28 days.

What was done?

3. Work on advertising campaigns

Focus on retargeting campaigns

I paid special attention to Retention advertising campaigns also known as the MoFu and BoFu stages of the sales funnel.

I segmented our warm audience by the type and duration of interaction with our brand while using manual and dynamic retargeting.


Using this audience division, I used a communication switch at each stage of the funnel so that the customer saw a new ad every time. This approach contributed to higher click-through rates and increased revenue.

The cross-sell approach also showed good results. For customers who made purchases within 30 days, we made remarketing campaigns with a discount promo code. This approach was also effective because customers still remember our company well.

What was done?

4. Communication strategy

For structural work on a project, I practice keeping a special table. This sheet gives the client a deeper understanding of all aspects of my work in the project. It contains the promotion strategy, technical settings, advertising texts, and creatives. Now the client observes everything that is happening in the settings of his advertising account, only in a simplified form.

For structural work on a project, I practice keeping a special table. This sheet gives the client a deeper understanding of all aspects of my work in the project. It contains the promotion strategy, technical settings, advertising texts, and creatives. Now the client observes everything that is happening in the settings of his advertising account, only in a simplified form.
For structural work on a project, I practice keeping a special table. This sheet gives the client a deeper understanding of all aspects of my work in the project. It contains the promotion strategy, technical settings, advertising texts, and creatives. Now the client observes everything that is happening in the settings of his advertising account, only in a simplified form.

What was done?

5. Testing different creatives and texts

One of the key points was creatives. We tested creatives of different formats and with different offers. I focused on working with the catalog. The best results were achieved with creatives that show the product in everyday use.

We used various triggers, such as:

- Free shipping on orders over N pounds.

- Discounts of various formats.

What was done?

6. Constant tracking of visitor behavior on landing pages and increasing the Conversion Rate of the site by 30%

A common mistake many clients make is to create a website and assume that it will not need to be changed, updated, or adapted anymore and will last for years or decades in this form.

However, it doesn't work that way. A landing page is like a renovation in an apartment. You always need to change/add/update or delete something in it. All these manipulations are necessary to improve efficiency and increase conversion rates, and thus profit.


Intensive work on preparing for Halloween, Black Friday and Christmas sales and increasing sales during this period.


Correctly built advertising strategy.


Emphasising on retargeting than on cold campaigns.


Making changes to the website to increase conversion.


Testing a large number of new creatives and texts.


What we achieved?

Within 7 months of working together, we managed to achieve the goal set by the client and get a higher ROAS than the one specified in the KPI.

Key steps that helped us achieve success:

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